The Facts in the Case of Georgina Rose
Da'at Darling, Weiser Books and the pervasive threat of reactionaries in the occult
Last week I posted a gag on Twitter that blew up way bigger than I was expecting it to. On top of people jumping to conclusions about me it led to a wider re-evaluation of one of occult social media’s biggest success stories, Georgina Rose, aka Da’at Darling. You see, she’s currently facing a wave of accusations of being basically every bad label that ends with an -ist and her rather sprawling fanbase, spread across several channels, is having a really hard time with it. We’ve seen a real kaleidoscope of takes, too. Where a lot of people faced with the revelations that came forth reckoned with it appropriately, casting her out and taking a firm stance against hatred in all its forms, a far greater number of people continued to stand aside, steadfastly refusing to even consider that they may have been wrong about her. We also saw a much larger-than-we-expected wave of support coming from accounts with laser-eyes Donald Trump in the avi or 1488 in their username as well as some utterly bananas takes that make puzzling attempts to ride the middle lane and both-sides the attempt to make occult study a safer place for all pilgrims.
I will never understand people’s compulsive need to hold the middle ground at all costs. I basically got third degree burns all over my face from that take.
This article will consolidate all of the evidence brought to light thus far so that it’s all in one place.
It all started with this.
If you want to know who Nick Land is, please refer to my Gordon White series. As a matter of fact, those two articles serve as a great primer of who these people are, what they believe in, why they’re so dangerous, and what you need to be looking for when dealing with them.
The earliest and most vocal defender of Georgina’s fragile virtue was an account called @outlawpriestess (also known as Lilith Scorpius), whom I’d never heard of prior to any of this. But it led to this:
Abandon. Modern. Culture. Suspicious, no? Sound familiar? The pictured tee is from Norse Fitness, owned by Andrew “Andy Redbeard” Lewis, who has well-known ties to the Neo-Nazi outfit Operation Werewolf and a federation of heathen gyms with a pronounced NSBM Black Metal aesthetic and a reputation for Project Mayhem-style political ramblings on their blogs.
Let’s talk about Werewolf for a second. In the last days of World War 2, as Allied forces started pushing the Germans out of France, Belgium, and The Netherlands, and the Red Army marched steadily through Poland, Joseph Goebbels was among the few figures in the Third Reich to see the writing on the wall and began formulating a plan for something called Werewolf. These were to be stay-behind Wehrmacht forces that would lie in wait behind enemy lines as the front drew further and further away from their former conquests. When activated they would engage in sabotage and guerilla warfare to hamper the efforts of the allies and hopefully buy the Reich time to refuel, manufacture munitions and push back. Operation Werewolf is a modern heathen/neo-fascist order that takes its name from this. Their philosophy is way more complicated than that, but the idea is that they live among you and aim to indoctrinate others in their communities into this lifestyles which, as the ADL and other antifascist organizations have pointed out, often has violent repercussions. The philosophy gestates in motorcycle clubs and gyms and leans pretty heavily on traditionalism in the modern anti-West/modernity trope.
The element of these accusations that most of the defenders brought to bear was that nothing about the provided evidence supported our claims that these people were neo-nazis. When we say Nazi, what we really mean is neo-reactionary/traditionalist/fascist and when you’re trying to stuff a nuanced argument into a text field that tops out at 280 characters, you find ways to shorthand things and still maintain the essence of your argument. But the moment we started saying Nazi everyone wanted to suddenly split hairs and play the semantics game. You say Nazi, what they see is people marching around with swastikas on their arms and Hugo Boss uniforms. They see scowling skinheads. They see the KKK. These are still factors in American hate but the face of fascism has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. You can’t operate if you look like those old modes. Those old faces of hate are poisoned to such a point that only the worst, most predisposed of shitheads are going to join up with them. You have to do something new and insinuate yourself into the conversation in other ways. You have to redpill people carefully. You can’t leap into a conversation with headlines in bold about black on white crime statistics or how the vicious lying liberal media is a direct product of the Jewish Conspiracy. You have to be subtle. You have to bring them in first with gentle nudges and then guide them along a path that goes from, “Why does the left have a problem with people wanting to live a traditional life?” and ends at "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
For a good long time, Lilith managed to feign ignorance and hold people’s unwavering defense in the face of these vicious, bitter old men who were haphazardly throwing nasty accusations around. But then more and more of the usual traditionalist/neo-reaction rhetoric started turning up in her feed. “Wearing a shirt doesn’t make you a neo-nazi,” they’d say, which is certainly true to some degree but the evidence was piling up and in spite of the protest and pleading innocence and misunderstanding, things just weren’t going her way.
Allow me to introduce you to Patrick Duggan, aka BVitch666. Patrick tattoos at a spot on Long Island called Vamachara Tattoo, vamachara being the tantric principle of left-hand attainment and more or less the root of what we know as The Left-Hand Path. In the linked series above you’ll find numerous pieces of evidence linking him also to Operation Werewolf and that whole sickening shitshow. Do a bit of scrolling around OP’s feed and you’ll find a lot of the usual dogwhistling that reactionaries do when they want to maintain plausible deniability. You’ll see a tremendous volume of railing against “cucks”, “groomers”, and “woke culture” which is a derogatory term now that the only people who use it are people like Ron Desantis, Trump’s disappointing pig-sons, and the like. There’s also a lot of culture war nonsense, outrage that they’re teaching sex education in kindergarten (they’re not), and the usual liberal pedophiles are everywhere hysteria that tends to brand people as utter lunatics warped by Julius Evola wannabes writing under preposterous pseudonyms like Sturm Bjaaldrsson. A lot of the right-wing hysteria about “the children” points back to The 14 words, for those playing along at home. Also, there’s a heavy dose of sigma-male worship, which if you’re just joining us takes the notion of alpha males, a real sticking point for the pick up artist and incel scene, and injects it with an insufferable dose of left-hand path REAL DUDES WALKING THEIR OWN PATH bullshit. It’s a reaction to pushback against so-called toxic masculinity and, like everything in this exhausting battle, it’s a gross over-reaction where it’s not enough to just be a man of good character but you have to live out on the edge and live up to the stereotype that SJW’s despise because fuck you, that’s why.
Or something.
What this sort of behavior says to me is, “I have no confidence in myself and feel powerless in life and behaving in a way that scares people and intimidates them gives me the power in life that I lack.”
But where does Georgina fit into all this? Glad you asked. For good long time she was able to put some distance between herself and Lilith until…
They always have a podcast, don’t they?
Hanging out at Vamachara Tattoo? Awesome. With Lilith? Nothing friendly going on there. Definitely just two remote acquaintances, posing together. But oh shit. That’s right, right up top in Lilith’s podcast Georgina announces that the two of the are aligned on social issues. Sweet. Oh! And I almost forgot! Patrick’s pretty psyched about. “His friend”, Georgina Rose is writing a book and you should pre-order it! And apologize for her commitment to Thelema? What the hell does that even mean?
Surely I’m reaching. I must be making connections where there are none. “Hanging out with Nazis does not make one a Nazi,” most of the people presented with this evidence exclaimed. And they’re not wrong, but it does make a huge piece of shit if you knowingly pal around with people that are neo-nazis and this isn’t some kind of deal-breaker for you. Plus, hey. They’re aligned on social issues!
But still, these obstinate jerkoff skeptics wouldn’t budge. All of that just wasn’t enough to move the needle. No one is capable of reading between the lines and if people are this naive, we are fucking screwed as a species.
We had a bunch of Discord screenshots that said some seriously nasty shit, all attributed to Georgina but her account on that server had since been deleted and all the usernames said “deleted user”. Releasing these would have been pointless. We knew who said them, but everyone else was just looking for excuses to let it all slide and it would have been fuel on the fire for them. But then a user from the old Occult With A Side of Salt Discord showed up and supplied the stuff we needed. Brace yourselves.
”It” in this case, is referring to a trans woman. Alex Jones does that a lot. Marjorie Taylor Greene, too. These shots go back a ways and they originally resulted in a very minor uproar that brought Georgina to the inevitable place all social media psychopaths end up: The public apology. Much in the same way that Logan Paul and Pewdiepie have had to repeatedly apologize to their fans for shit like “heated gamer moments”, Georgina also issued a response, assuring people that the person she is now is not the person she was then. But here’s the thing: fuck that. Apology is nothing without atonement and as we’ve seen, no atonement has been made if her IRL social circle includes Neo-reactionary shit like Outlaw Priestess/Lilith Scorpius and a dude who tattoos sun wheel sigils connected to a Wolfsangel and a known Order of 9 Angles sigil.
I called it, by the way.
“ur just jealous”
If at this point you read this and think, “clearly he’s just a hater whose jealous that she has a book deal. None of this means anything,” I cordially invite you to eat shit. These are bad, dangerous people and I don’t know how else to make this any clearer. If you take her at word, you’re believing a liar. If this isn’t a big deal to you, you’re a part of the problem. There is no room for these people in the occult scene. Not ever. This crusade against esoteric fascists is True Will territory for me. I feel I made this evident in my Current 128 post.
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM 4/28/22: I have been vicious toward Weiser during these proceedings and would like to apologize for that. Here and elsewhere I spilled a lot of blood about what appeared to be complacency but as things develop, it’s starting to look like they took action and did the right thing.
You overestimate the value of a “book deal” with a tiny outfit like Weiser. They’re one of the big ones in the occult/new age scene but compared to larger publishing world, they’re nothing. The online publishing scene, between blogs, substack, self-publishing through Amazon and Kickstarter, etc. are killing these old dinosaurs that are too chickenshit to take a chance on anything and are now struggling. And Weiser clearly gives no shits about this situation since they have been made well-aware of what’s going on and the only time they’ve raised their stupid head is to try and get Elhoim Leafar to stop talking about how much it sucks to work with Weiser.
There’s more, but who cares? Turner never once addresses the larger picture, only urging Elo to take it to email and stop with the public airing of grievances.
It’s just garbage all the way down, a beautiful call to spirit, smeared with shit by vile individuals that command an uncommonly large amount of influence. People naturally look to leaders to help find their way and the voices speaking the loudest are the worst, most self-serving monsters.
Among her fans, by the way, are these chestnuts. This was sent to @FTesoterica, who circulated a lot of the evidence.
The last one was sent to a non-binary person. To quote the 45th President of the United States of America, “They’re not sending their best.”
I take no issue with walking the path-less-taken. I’ve spent my life walking against the grain because it feels good and right to me but to walk this path without compassion is unthinkable. To look at the other pilgrims and think, “You don’t belong here,” what gives you the fucking right? Skeptics have a hard time squaring this behavior with hate. Those discord chats have a smirking quality to them. There’s nothing violent in them in a way that white people recognize. It’s just a girl being rude to most of them. Even to claim that you somehow hold these views ironically, like it’s a joke and everyone’s being too sensitive, you need to step outside yourself sometime and look at some of the DMs I’ve received from people telling me what it feels like to be on this path and unable to speak out. To feel so isolated and alone. To feel threatened by a mob of giggling children who operate in the weird quasi-anonymity of the internet. Georgina’s face and name is out there, attached to this relative recent history of hate but so far out of reach of consequences. If you’re a black woman, a trans person, if you fall into any of the targeted groups and you’re out there feeling unsafe or unwelcome you’re a single voice in a sea of sycophants. Her fan base loves her. As we’ve seen, it’s very hard to stand in the face with a mountain of evidence that she is deserving of nothing but pariah status, and I’m a member of the privileged class! If you’re not, and you’ve been pushed around, made to feel less, used as the punchline in a vicious joke, then you likely felt like you had nowhere to go and no shelter anywhere.
I won’t stand for that.
Do I make myself clear?
I recently took novitiate vows in a chivalric order. Among others, I vowed to help all seekers find their way safely. It is True Will territory for me to walk this path with all pilgrims and offer them shelter and protection. You want to know why I beat the drum so hard? Why I so badly want the fascists driven out and given nowhere to hide? That’s why.
In closing, I offer you the fourth stanza of the Blood Rose Cabal initiation rite, The Evocation Of That Which Is Chained By Moonlight.
This is an amazing piece you did an excellent job of making your point! We are lucky to have such vigilant and outspoken individuals like yourself fighting for the right side of things
Brown scare proponents always be spinning some paranoid schizo web where even association with someone who said something that sounds like wrongthink once is evidence that someone advocates straight up Nazism. A true demonstration of total intellectual bankruptcy by the author.