Aug 4, 2021Liked by Frater Pera 𓁟 The Living Saint

I've only read two of your articles so far but I've been grinning at specific things that I've seen. Definitely feels like the universe has been pushing it to me!

I really enjoyed this article and had no idea why I was drawn to a headline featuring Grant Morrison, just a vague feeling. Of course the penny dropped soon enough, I really enjoyed Zenith back in the day and I'll be looking out for The Invisibles for sure. I like your style and honesty so I'll be checking out the other articles.

Still smiling about the fact you mentioned Jacob's Ladder, the idea that the world did really end in 2012 and invoking UFOs. The Fountain is also in my top 3 movies. Topics close to my heart :)

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Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad the writing speaks to you. I have to admit, early Grant comics are a bit of a blindspot for me. I definitely have to catch up with Zenith since a couple of those characters end up in The Invisibles.

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