Apr 14, 2022Liked by Frater Pera 𓁟 The Living Saint

You're so retarded dude

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Thanks. Engaging with the article made it more visible. I appreciate it.

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Extremely well said but I do have a random note about Corey Feldman: Corey Feldman is not JUST on drugs, he's a rapist himself. There’s a line of abused women connected to him whose stories aren't sensationalised. None of them is chasing fame or fortune by accusing him. Feldman himself knocks Qanon & all the satanic stuff while at the same time using it to try explaining away the victims speaking out against him. His story is, he didn't sexually harass & mistreat his band members, it was Marilyn Manson’s doing. Manson planted Satanic spies in his house to discredit him & make him look bad. This is all connected to a grudge Feldman holds against Manson for laughing at his karaoke performs and some other equally pathetic/hilarious things. I won't bother getting into the fake assassination attempts Feldman pulled to promote his Indiegogo campaigns where he asked for $10 million to release a list of names. Or the fact THAT was the third he sold this list of names. Or the fact the list of names were fraudulent. Or the fact that I could “or the fact you” a hundred times over. The plain truth is Corey Feldmans incapable of Truth. He’s a pathological liar & needs zero help to discredit himself. This isn't the machine, this is the truth coming back to bite him. Corey Feldman’s biggest asset was the fact no one cared enough about him to listen & look into his accusations. When he finally stirred up people enough to look, some of us did. And nothing he says adds up.

I wouldn't recommend falling down this rabbit hole, it's a long fall, but if you do want any help, I'd be happy to.

Your experience in this group is eerily familiar to “some” of what I experienced working with the wolf pack. What brought us together only got complicated by other subjects we’d never agree about. I definitely reached my “fuck it” moment.

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Noted. But you can be an accuser and the accused at the same time. I didn't say the guy was blameless. He's been operating at a diminished capacity for years and he probably did some heinous shit back when he was a megastar because that's what the Hollywood system affords you when you're making them lots of money.

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I do realise that and he certainly did do some heinous shit back in the day, setting Haim up with his 35 year old best friend Dominick Brascia (The man Corey Haim himself said was responsible for his abuse) fits the heinous category. Embellishing that story with false accusations to spice it up, shift blame & use it as a backup source of income, that fits the bill too.

Feldman’s megastardom ended by 1990, the latest rape accusation is from around 2012. He fought a case of sexual assault with women in 2017 that got dropped due to lack of evidence. Most of Feldman’s foul antics came after fame. Trying to be a musician with IMO zero musical talent. He toured America off the money he raised for his last doco, and assaulted women as moonwalked along. Haha!

I know too much about the muppet. On one hand I'm amazed he hasn't been picked up for something but on the other, he’s always been a greasy little maggot. He's wriggled out of so many situations.

It's been a long time since he made any money for anyone but himself so it's a matter of time.

I honestly think one day the house of cards will fall. He's too foul and too much of an attention whore to stay quiet completely. He’ll be back and if he's ever given another chance to take advantage of someone he’ll take it. How he involves Corey Haim next will be interesting haha!

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