In Part 1 I did the best I could to succinctly outline the threat of neo-reaction, exit, and acceleration. Now, I couldn’t care less if these maladroit bozos are so bummed out by current events that their solution is to peace out and take up the life of a hermit in the mountains. I won’t lie. If I had the means to disconnect and do that, you’d have a hard time talking me out of it. But if I were to do this, I’d be gone. You wouldn’t hear from me again because that’s the entire fucking point, isn’t it? If you’re going to Exit and bail on modernity, you should commit. Even if you still interact with the modern world, the extent of your advocacy should end at, “Checking out and isolating worked for me. It could work for you, too.” There’s no harm in advocating for the golden lifestyle fantasy of introverts the world around. But this isn’t what Gordon and the rest of the accelerationists are doing because that’s not the plan. Exit is just a grand but meaningless gesture if you also advocate for acceleration. The implication here is that you’re going to get something out of that endgame, be it a seat in the king’s court or revenge on society. Even if you end up in the muck, finding your enemies up against the wall might be a reasonable payoff if you’re one of the aggrieved assholes who walks around with a chip on his shoulder because of all the imagined outrage you’ve cooked up about pronouns and Black Lives Matter.
The most common feedback on part 1 that I received was people asking to see the receipts and I honestly thought that I was pretty clear on all that, what with two podcasts that you could cross reference against two of Nick Land’s essays, and some transcripts in Marco Visconti’s tweets. Gordon can say whatever the fuck he wants and no one asks him to show his work. He’s published author, Gordon White of Rune Soup fame! I’m no one. So here’s some more that I hope people are savvy enough to digest and also read between the lines because these are not subtle.
Want some more? Don’t worry. I brought enough for everyone.
Critics of Part 1, though there were few, couldn’t see where I was getting this notion that Gordon was pilled and talking like Alex Jones. Here are some slides from The Vertical Line presentation that I hope put that shit to rest.
As much as it pains me to side with Gordon on this, the dude in the photo above with the mask and gloves does, in fact, look like a gigantic asshole. These were collected by Michael Hughes in a rather significant thread from early 2021. This all rolled back around to the fore after Peter Grey appeared on Rune Soup.

The occult world is a breeding pit for beefs and even though one of my most popular articles is about a beef I freely cultivated with a dude who pillaged my articles for a book I also freely admit that that entire situation was stupid and I really should have just let it go because in the end it doesn’t really matter.
Hindsight, am I right?
But this qualifies as more than just wizards arguing over who deserves what grade or who’s more based. In those shots above, Gordon expresses some troubling thoughts. He can laugh it off all he likes and say “I was just joking, sheesh!” but as I link him more and more closely with acceleration you’ll see that, in fact, violence is all a part of the plan.
I want to be very clear, though. I am not saying that Gordon White is a neo-Nazi. Gordon is both gay and Jewish. He offers this up in a recent rebuttal post where he makes like he’s taking the high road but only offers a characteristically boring post that I’m sure whipped his subscribers up into a wild frenzy of consumer protectionism. It’s nothing but ad hominem bullshit against Marco, Michael, and ugh, Georgina Rose who inserted herself into this whole fiasco for some reason. It’s strange territory to be in for a person who checks two of the boxes on his associate’s enemies list and while I’ve never seen record of him saying anything explicitly hateful, the people who make their homes in acceleration absolutely have. A shitload of them, in fact. But this needs to be made very clear: There is no evidence that Gordon White harbors vicious white supremacist beliefs. It’s a go-to lazy slap in the face that that people fall back on when they want to paint someone in unpleasant terms. Much like the folks on the paranoid “everything’s a conspiracy!" side like to label their enemies pedophiles or satanists. But I will offer this: Countering accusations of being a real piece of shit in the best case scenario by saying you’re gay and Jewish is a non-sequitur. One of the most racist dudes I’ve ever known was also the gayest dude I’ve ever known and you can make a pretty strong case for the state of Israel being an ethnostate. So let’s pump the brakes on the disqualifiers, Gordon.
Also, to the best of my knowledge, Gordon has never offered any evidence that he has links to the following groups. The following is an illustration of the people who are connected by a web of shared philosophies. This is conjecture at best and is only meant to apply the theory of Part 1 to people and groups actively engaged in the same accelerationism and neo-reactionism that Gordon subscribes to.
Qui bono?
Let’s consider who stands to benefit from a broad government collapse. It’s hard to imagine what such a thing would look like but entertain the idea for a moment that gas prices reach a price so critical that travel and transportation are simply too expensive. Maybe supply chain shortages achieve a critical mass that results in product shortages across the board, including food. Let’s then propose that American conservative separatists arrive at a time when they’re confident that they can take violent action without sufficient interference from the police or National Guard. The shit hitting the fan won’t be like in the movies where in the first act a rapid chain of crises occurs that leads to the conflict of the second act. The shit will hit the fan slowly. Such was the case in Mosul, Iraq in 2014 when ISIL rolled up and took over. Supplies will dwindle over time and public infrastructure will become unreliable, meaning that power to your home will not be something you can count on. Mobile phone and internet service will be spotty. School attendance will slowly dwindle to low double-digits and access to clean water will not be something you can count on. Homes will likely sustain significant damage from fighting and accidents that rage out of control without the public services needed to control them. There will be skirmishes and some outbreaks of violence will have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with scarcity of resources.
Who does this benefit?
Based entirely on the governance and economic fallout in the pandemic, we learned very early on that every form of critical social structure was hanging by a thread even before they were subjected to the pressure of a pandemic. PPP loans were issued by the US government to stem the failure of businesses facing labor shortages because the average business in America isn’t prepared to shut down entirely or operate on minimal workforce conditions for more than a couple weeks. The American Civil War lasted four years and even though that was 160 years ago, social conditions in the now wouldn’t be much different as the US military faces significant desertions and fighting takes place between disconnected groups of militias and irregulars. If our economy can’t sustain more than a couple weeks of interruption, how are we supposed to believe that it can survive a years-long conflict?
What sort of person benefits from this?
This is Peter Thiel
Thiel, along with fellow human shitstain, Elon Musk founded Paypal in the 90’s and took a little piece of every financial transaction performed over the internet for years. Where Musk took his fortune and pursued his life’s dream of being a walking meme, Thiel took his fortune and repurposed it in the shadows to cause as much chaos as possible in global politics. Peter Thiel is not a neo-reactionary as far as anyone knows but acceleration is very much his magnum opus and his major connection to all of this is that his VC firm, Y Combinator, funded a couple of Curtis Yarvin’s startups well after he was connected to the same Mencius Moldbug that seeded the earth in San Francisco with this horror. He pours money into republican candidates capable of causing the most trouble. While maybe not the prime mover in American conservatism, he plays abstract games with his fortune among names like The Mercers and Kochs. He generously funds bizarre cultural experiments in what is clearly a psyop to sow discord in leftward moving currents. Where people foolishly credit Donald Trump for playing 4-D chess, Thiel is a Machiavellian mother fucker capable of actually doing that and is, in fact, a recognized chess master. The entire state of Republican thought owes everything to this guy since MAGA likely would have passed out of politics with Trump.
In the world of the weird, Thiel also funds anti-aging research where the goal is to eliminate death, entirely. He also funds research for seasteading projects in what can only come off to the sane reader as the lead-up to the video game Bioshock. If you pull back and look at all of the moving parts in this apocalyptic rube goldberg device that he built around himself, it illustrates a portrait of a man ready to assume control when conventional governance fails.
This is Steve Bannon
Everyone knows this piece of shit. He was a Breitbart executive and noted fan of Yarvin’s writing. He was also a key player in the flurry of executive orders issued by Trump in his first days of office that were so cruel, unnecessary, and numerous that the only conclusion anyone can gather about them was that they were designed with chaos and disorder specifically in mind. Bannon never formally allied himself with any political factions outside of a general fealty to MAGA but he’s also a scary-smart guy with a plan. This is the quality that separates people like Peter Thiel and Bannon from the clowns on the lower echelons. The people moving the plan forward, like Gordon, may or may not even realize that they’re pawns in their game but the real players in all of this have a different playbook, entirely. Guys like Thiel pay the right people and move the pawns with money and I don’t necessarily mean that in some venal manner where everyone has their hand out. Like I said with Thiel, some his moves in the game are inscrutable. Bannon deals in information and strategy. He’s a fixer.
We’re actually quite lucky that the press played the role that they did in the moment and characterized him, even on conservative media outlets, as “the real president” which was offensive enough to Trump’s fragile ego that Trump had him ousted before he could do much more damage. A four-year term of a Bannon White House would have likely been catastrophic.
Steve Bannon has the clout and connections to end up in a cherry spot in that neo-reactionary feudal court and such anarchy for the peasantry would put all of his political enemies in a bad place. Some men do, in fact, just want to watch the world burn and Steve Bannon is an agent of chaos.
This is Atomwaffen
The word fascism has been thrown around a lot since the election of Donald Trump and while his brand of politics is fascist in the broadest sense, Trump, MAGA and the direction of the American republican party is simply a far-right ideology for the smoothest brains in America. Fascism, however, is a very specific ideology that has vastly more to it than a policy of racism and bigotry. Republicans have no such ideology or vision for America. There is no platform. They simply exist to torment liberals now. This includes militias like the Oathkeepers and Three Percenters. Fascists, however, are out there, and while the media puts a lot of focus on the loner losers like politically motivated mass shooters and racist shitheads that drive their cars into crowds of protesters, the current state of American fascism has evolved away from old models like the Ku Klux Klan and into something more sophisticated, better organized, and with clearer vision than ever before. They hide in shadowy corners of the internet and the deep web on places with names like Iron March. Iron March no longer exists thanks to some real world violence that can be traced directly back to their website but it’s not as though that actually stops them. Modern fascism is extremely dynamic. If you have the stomach for this sort of darkness, I recommend reading their esssay collection, Next Leap. It lays bare the current state of fascism in terrifying clarity and dedicates an entire section of the book to fascist spirituality, which is every bit as sinister as you might expect. It also features theory on how you bring people into the movement without scaring them off. There’s a good deal of chatter in it about deconstructing your position in order to more easily persuade someone who might not be fully committed but has the potential to be with the right argument. This is not unique to neo-nazi movements. It’s a vital piece of Neurolinguistic Programming, a phrase that Gordon tosses around every now and then. You hate to see it but these guys got smart and realized that online performance is meaningless if you want to actualize a fascist state. It takes more than talk. It takes commitment to the cause in the form of murder and mayhem.
Atomwaffen represents this commitment and the paramilitary wing of acceleration. It’s debatable whether or not they even still exist in this form but at one time they were responsible for numerous murders and several foiled plots to commit acts of mayhem on a scale that would dwarf 9/11. Even by generous estimates there is likely less than 100 official members of Atomwaffen or the National Socialist Order, if that’s what they’re calling themselves these days, but the Anti-Defamation League theorizes that there are a great many more people who are initiates, folks who hang around, hoping to be fully initiated into the ranks.
The thing that separates these guys from far-right agitators named above, is that they are staunchly anti-west, anti-capitalist, and anti-American. Their plan for acceleration is to literally burn everything down with nuclear weapons and build a new hyper-fascist empire on the ashes. They seem to specifically separate themselves from neo-reactionaries, instead making clear that apocalyptic fascism is their endgame, but the language found in Next Leap and James Mason’s book, Siege (also worth a read if you want to truly understand the scope of the threat) is nearly identical to the theories of neo-reaction. They part ways in the application of that theory but they run parallel up to that point in their desire to see the west utterly toppled and their enemies in a mass grave. And while Atomwaffen, when their members are outed and arrested, often look like angry extremely online kids, the thing to bear in mind is that along with stockpiles of weapons and ammunition, the FBI also seized unnamed “fissile materials”.
Where American conservatives needed permission from Trump to rock the capitol building, Atomwaffen have been moving forward ever since their inception on an international level. They are not confined just to American shores. They’re also quite active in Europe.
This is The Order of 9 Angles
I’m sometimes accused of naked alarmism and breathless scaremongering and people get real weird when I talk about black lodges as though they’re real (they are). People remind me that the black lodge was just something Crowley came up with for a villain in Moonchild but Moonchild is also an encoded manual of magical practice. Crowley ultimately wrote that book to pay for dope but it was also a convenient way to turn pulp fiction readers into magicians. Why wouldn’t the novel’s villain also be based on something real? Dennis Wheatley, Peter Levenda and other authors with an esoteric bent are also known to have done this with their novels.
When it comes to the O9A it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s a psyop. In their stated incarnation, if you believe their own literature, they are cartoonishly satanic and embody everything that the satanic panic insisted was real. There is no way to tell how large this organization is and at one point, the occult world suspected that they weren’t, in fact, real and that the only member that anyone could conclusively tie to the order was its originator, David Myatt. Where Atomwaffen’s approach to acceleration is coordinated and strategic paramilitary action intended to sow chaos and destroy through applied violence on the street, The O9A is acceleration’s spiritual wing with an application of violence, as well.
Myatt insists that the Order has existed since the 1960’s and that may be true but he also insists that he’s not the same guy as Anton Long, one of the Order’s early mouthpieces, when he very clearly is that guy. Obfuscation is the key to their plan. Where American orders of fascism brand themselves with provocative names and imagery intended to evoke fear on sight, the O9A stays hidden, occasionally leaking documents and grimoire pages at strategic times about the 7-Fold Sinister Path. Hiding their numbers is smart. You can take that position in a million directions. People will argue that you’re either hiding in every shadow, lurking in every alley, waiting to be sinister. Or you can let people insist that you’re an internet boogeyman and no big deal. But here’s the thing. Their membership is guilty of and have been convicted of murders, rapes, child sexual abuse, child pornography possession, and numerous other conspiracies committed to evil. As seen above, their members often return to the places where these crimes were committed in order to be photographed memorializing the acts and cementing them in the order’s ritual structure.
It’s likely that their membership is as limited as Atomwaffen, but they’re just as committed to actualizing a satanic neo-nazi state as Atomwaffen is and they put their money where their mouth is. Since 2018, numerous O9A crimes committed in the United States were perpetrated by members of the American military in the name of the Order of Nine Angles. They are actively working to accelerate a collapse in order to issue in an age of horror similar to totalitarian civilizations of antiquity.
Most of the information from the above two sections were taken from the book Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick Clarke. I bring this up because this is where Gordon’s occult outlook crosses over and it’s where things get truly weird. I want to reiterate that Gordon has never espoused white nationalist beliefs but he’s best known for his writing on the occult and is now well-known for being connected to acceleration and neo-reaction which shares links to the four individuals/groups I explained above. Each one of them connects to the others in one or more ways. Each one, no matter how distant, is linked by the connective tissue of the occult. Each one seeks to accelerate a collapse in order to build a new order on top of the old and each one seeks some kind of hyper-fascist future that rejects modernity in pursuit of some golden age of mankind’s past. While the occult isn’t directly related to all of them, it plays at least some role in most of them and there is still one truly unifying force which links them all.
This is Julius Evola
The rejection of modernity, a return to “traditional gender roles”, the divine right of kings, it all goes back to this guy right here. Julius Evola was a monocle owner, philosopher and prolific writer on a variety of vile topics that greatly appeal to vile people with a monstrously inflated sense of self-worth.
He’s actually a bit of an enigma since so little is known about his upbringing or how he rose to such heights of influence. From what historians can tell, he was the child of middle class people in Rome but often presented himself to the public as if he were an aristocrat of some sort. He wormed his way into art circles in the days before and after World War 1 and soon after began publishing tracts celebrating the same trends in fascism that would eventually set Europe on fire. But what sets Evola apart from his contemporaries who limited their political philosophy to governance and social trends, Evola discovered mystical currents starting in Tibetan Buddhism and evolving to hermetic thought and from this he formulated an occult angle to fascism that also managed to catch on as well as his thoughts on fascism. At one time I thought that he might have been the source of esoteric fascism that informed all of Europe and carries on today, but historical sources suggest that this revelation of his was discovered parallel to the Thule Society of Germany and Heinrich Himmler’s SS, which suggests that there might be an even deeper source of the occult that informed the broader European fascist movement. But what’s profoundly weird to me about fascism is how currents of strangeness were so common among them. Not only were these European fascist currents occult, but also the American Silver Legion, led by William Dudley Pelley was also heavily informed by the occult as well as UFOlogy.
Rounding out the evil is Evola’s belief that the powerful people of this hyper-fascist order were beyond Judeo-Christian morality and used Tantric Buddhism to justify his belief that the upper classes were entitled to victimize the lower castes by rape and murder as a source of mystical power. Sound familiar?
Who among the rogue’s gallery in this article are well-known fans of Julius Evola? David Myatt of The Order of 9 Angles, the neo-nazi psychos of Atomwaffen and Iron March, and Steve fucking Bannon. Here you can read a transcript of a speech Bannon delivered to The Vatican, where he cites Evola. And this wasn’t a one-off event, either. He’s made it clear that he’s a fan. Now, here’s where things get weird and address my main point: That Gordon White is not the person he portrays himself to be.
Since American conservatism hinges so heavily on Christianity, Bannon has identified himself with these values in order to insinuate himself into their club and exercise influence over it. He has claimed faith on numerous occasions but like I said, he’s also a smart guy addressing people whose only desire is to have their own faith confirmed. But Evola was seriously down on Christianity. He was an anti-semite of note, but this hatred extended deep into the world of Christ and he often raged against it. This is likely the truth about Bannon, as well. But it doesn’t help anyone if you advertise your own evil nature while trying to appeal to people who see themselves as pious good guys.
When the plan is to hide in plain sight, it’s not hard to extend all of these qualities to the people trying to move large crowds of people closer to fascism and neo-reaction. It’s like the proverbial boiling frog. You have to sneak into their scene and gradually turn up the heat. If you like Gordon White enough to be a paid subscriber to Rune Soup then he has very likely managed to get into your head with his outer persona. But as we’ve seen in the slides and transcripts, the guy that he portrays to the public is quite different from the guy that he presents when he thinks the only people watching are fans who will keep the secret.
If the individuals and organizations identified in this article are so highly representative of accelerationism and neo-reaction, joined together by the fundamental connective tissue of hatred, mysticism and an actualized will to manifest a new hyper-fascist state then it’s not much of a leap to connect them also to the theory and philosophy of people like Curtis Yarvin and Nick Land. Land, himself, literally advocating for the Order of 9 Angles and neo-nazi mass murderers. Not one of these people is separated from another by more than a single degree.
Gordon is a magician, a paranoid conspiracy theorist, and an advocate for neo-reaction and acceleration. This connects him to a hideous web of hatred and violence that is impossible to untangle and pick and choose philosophies from. Each part of it is dependent on the others and no part of it can exist without the rest. And some of these people are very, very wealthy or wield tremendous influence and intellect. The combination of money, information brokers, spirituality, and weapons when collated and presented in this way gives the impression of a conspiracy of its own. This all seems to be deliberate and Gordon is just moving piece in a large machine meant to draw people deeper and deeper into a body that is powerful and wealthy but currently lacking in numbers.
It’s also worth noting that at one time, Gordon claimed himself to be the student of a spy from a private intelligence agency. I was planning a third part of this series which illustrates the connections of global intelligence agencies to such mystical outfits for fascism and acceleration but after spending an entire week brushing up on satanic neo-nazi murderers who plan to literally nuke everything and replace it with a cruel global order of fascism I think I need a break.